
Chippewa Valley Gem & Mineral Society

1003 Briar Ln #3, Altoona, WI  54720; (715) 828-0240

Email:  bizpam1@gmail.com

Meetings:  2nd Monday, 7:30 pm, 737 Herbert St., Chippewa Falls, WI

Coulee Rock Club of LaCrosse, LaCrosse, Wisconsin

(608) 385-1722; sfrisby@triwest.net

P O Box 446, LaCrosse, WI  54602

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Coulee-Rock-Club/182345351787782

Meeting:  2nd Saturday Nov. - June from 9:30 am - Noon, Onalaska Omni Center, 255 Riders Club Rd, Onalaska WI)

Heart of Wisconsin Gem & Mineral Society Marshfield & Stevens Point, Wisconsin

(715) 387-8782; 1403 N. Broadway Ave, Marshfield, WI  54449


Website:   www.heartofwisconsinrocks.com

Meeting:  2nd Thursday Sept. to May, Park Lodge, 224 Paris Ave, Junction City

Indianhead Rock, Gem and Mineral Club, Luck, Wisconsin

Meeting:  6:30 p.m. 1st Monday, Luck Senior Center

Kettle Moraine Geological Society, Pewaukee, Wisconsin

P O BOX 621, Menomoneee Falls, WI  53052

Website:  www.kmgsrocks.com

Meeting:  6:30 pm, 3rd Wednesday, (except Jun-Aug), Pewaukee Public Library, 210 Main St

Lakeland Gem & Mineral Club, Minocqua, Wisconsin

P O Box 483, Merer, WI  54547; (715) 476-0016

E-mail:  brucebacon@gmail.com

Website:  www.lakelandgemandmineralclub.com

Meeting:  4th Thursday, 6:30 pm; Church of the Pines, 415 Chippewa St., Minocqua, WI

Langlade Gem & Mineral Club, White Lake, Wisconsin

W3244 City Rd., White Lake WI  54491; (920) 737-7490

Email:  rog-chriswilder@hotmail.com

Meetings:  1st Saturday, 10 am - 2 pm; Antigo, WI Shark & Minnow Craft Store

Madison Gem & Mineral Club, Madison, WI

P O Box 8882, Madison, WI  53708

Email:  burniesrockshop@gmail.com

Website:  madisonrockclub.org

Meeting:  7 pm; 4th Tuesday, AB20 Weeks Hall, UW Dept Geoscience, 1215 W. Dayton

Neville Public Museum Geology Club, Green Bay, WI

1139 Crooks St., Green Bay, WI  54301; (920) 437-4979

Email:  bay45@hotmail.com

Meeting:  7 pm; 3rd Tuesday (except Dec) Neville Public Museum, 210 Museum Place

North West Wisconsin Gem & Mineral Society, Barron, Wisconsin

(715) 357-3223, rktswick@chibardun.net

1127 7th St., Almena, WI  54805

Meeting:  7 p.m. Youth; 7:30 pm, 3rd Tuesday, (Except Jan-Feb), American Legion Post in Cameron, WI

Oshkosh Earth Science Club, Oshkosh, Wisconsin

P O Box 24, Larsen, WI  54947

(920) 924-0658;  ocsemperor@gmail.com

Meeting:  6:30 pm, 1st  Monday, Evergreen Retirement Community,  1130 N Westfield St

Racine Geological Society, Racine, Wisconsin

(262) 989-9193

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/groups/racinegeologicalsociety

Meeting:  7 PM, 2nd  Thursday, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 4701 Erie St.

The Badger Lapidary & Geological Society

4771 County Rd. ii, Highland, WI  53543

(608) 935-0597; glowyrocks@gmail.com

Website:  www.badgerrockclub.org

Meetings:  2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10:30 a.m., Festival Foods, 223 Homes Rd., Janesville, WI  53545

Wisconsin Geological Society, Greater Milwaukee Area, Wisconsin

1001  S. 97thSt., West Allis, WI  53214

(414) 475-0186, pierre.coutiere007@gmail.com

Facebook:  Wisconsin Geological Society

Meeting:  7 pm, 2nd Monday, Sept-June, Mother of Perpetual Help Church Hall Basement, 1212 S. 117th St., West Allis, WI