
Blossomland Gem & Mineral Society, St. Joseph, Michigan

6053 St. Joseph Ave, Stevensville, MI  49127; (630) 779-8258

Email:  pamelakriegsmann@gmail.com

Meeting:  1 PM, 4th Sunday (Sept-Jun), Krasl Art Center, 707 Lake Blvd

Blue Water Lapidary Society, Port Huron, Michigan

Central Michigan Lapidary & Mineral Society, Lansing, Michigan

P O Box 24202, Lansing, MI  48909

Website:  www michrocks.org

Meeting:  3rd Thursday, 7pm; Okemos Masonic Center, 2175 Hamilton Rd., Okemos, MI

Copper Country Rock & Mineral Club, Dollar Bay, Michigan

Email:  pres@ccrmc.info

Website:  www.ccrmc.info

Meeting:  7 pm, 3rd Thursday, Dollar Bay Fire Hall

Flint Rock & Gem Club, Clio, Michigan

12351 Neff Rd., Clio, MI  48420; (810) 687-5478

Email:  kritersnus@comcast.net

Website:  www.FlintRockAndGem.org

Meeting:  Monday 4-8 p.m. 226 Pine St., Clio, MI  48429

Grand Traverse Area Rock & Mineral Club, Traverse City, Michigan

686 High Lake Rd., Traverse City, MI  49684; (231) 620-6567

E-mail:  tcrockhounds@yahoo.com

Meeting:  6:45 PM, 3rd Wednesday, Cherryland VFW, 3400 Veterans Dr., Traverse City, MI

Huron Hills Lapidary & Mineral Society, Ann Arbor, Michigan

7371 Dexter Pinckney Rd., Dexter, MI  48130; (734) 665-5574

Email:  dandjesch@comcast.net

Website: www.hhlms.org

Meeting:  7 PM, 1st Thursday (Sept-Jun), West Side United Methodist Church 

Indian Mounds Rock & Mineral Club, Wyoming, Michigan

653 Burton St., SE  Grand Rapids, MI  49507; (616) 243-5851

Email:  kreigh@gmail.com 

Website:  www.Indianmoundsrockclub.com

Meeting:  7 PM, 3rd Tuesday, Fifth Reformed Church, 2012 Griggs St., Grand Rapids

Ishpeming Rock & Mineral Club, Inc., P O Box 102, Ishpeming, Michigan  49849

Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society, Portage, Michigan

P O Box 2245, Kalamazoo, MI  49001; 

Email:  stonehouserock@cs.com

Website:   http://www.kalamazoorockclub.org

Meeting:  6:30 PM, 1st Tuesday, (Except Jan & Jun-Jul), Portage Senior Center, 320 Library Lane

Livingston Gem & Mineral Society, Hartland, Michigan

9525 E. Highland Rd., Howell, MI  48843

Email:  lgms.mich@gmail.com

Website:  www.livingstongems.com

Meeting:  6 PM, 3rd Tuesday, Hartland Community Education Bldg -LGMS, 9525 Highland Rd

Michigan Mineralogical Society, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

755 Lakeview Ave, Birmingham, MI  48009; (248) 224-0752

Email: dlurie2001@comcast.net

Website:  www.michmin.org

Meeting:  7:30 pm, 2nd Monday (Sept-May), Cranbrook Institute of Science, 39221 N. Woodward Ave.  

Mid-Michigan Rock Club, Midland, Michigan

5302 Westridge Dr., Midland, MI  48640; (939) 835-8675

Email:  johncopp72@gmail.com

Meeting:  7 PM, 1st Tues, (Sept-Jun), Chippewa Nature Ctr, 400 S Badour Rd

Midwest Faceters’ Guild, Michigan

124 Washington Ave, Grand Haven, MI  49417; (616) 402-3145

E-mail:  midwestfaceters@gmail.com

Website:  www.midwestfacetersguild.org

Meeting:  As Announced

Midwest Mineralogical & Lapidary Society, Taylor, Michigan

1419 Gregory, Lincoln Park, MI  48146; (313) 381-8455

Email:  rockhounds@mmls.us

Website:  www.mmls.us

Meeting:  7:30 pm, 3rd Tuesday (except July & Aug), Democratic Club of Taylor, 23400 Wick Rd., Taylor, MI

Mikenauk Rock & Gem Club, Roscommon, Michigan

10701 Murphy Rd, Roscommon  48653; (989) 275-4165

Website:  https//mikenaukclub.weebly.com

Meeting:  6:30 PM 3rd Thursday, AuSable River Center

Roamin Club, Lake Orion, Michigan

4015 Stanton Rd., Lake Orion, MI  48362; (248) 884-0431

Email:  tripodsfrommars@gmail.com

Website:  www.roaminrockclub.weebly.com

Meetings:  1st Wednesday, 7 pm, Ancient Order of Hibernians Hall, 25300 Five Mile Rd., Redford, MI  48239

State Line Gem & Mineral Society, Adrian, Michigan

419 N. Broad St., Adrian, MI  49221; (269) 267-1123

Email:  rychard@tc3net.com

Website:  www.statelinegms.com

Meeting:  1st Sunday, 2 pm, 201 W. Main St., Morenci, MI  49256

Tri-County Rocks & Mineral Society, Bay City, Michigan

1722 - 9th St., Bay City, MI  48708; (989) 895-9047 

Email:  sherwood.j@sbcglobal.net

Meeting:  11:30 AM, 2nd Thursday various local restaurants

Tulip City Gem & Mineral Club, Inc., Holland, Michigan

P O Box 2082, Holland, MI  49422

Email:  tcgmc.news@gmail.com

Website:  www.tulipcity.org

Facebooks:  https://www.facebook.com/tulipcityclub

Meeting:  7 pm, Last Wednesday, Howard Miller Community Center, Zeeland

White River Rock Gem & Mineral Club, Whitehall, Michigan

9515 Lamos Rd., Montague, Michigan  49427; (231) 750-0335

Website:  https://www.WhiteRiverRockGemandMineral.org

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/228461367888883/?ref=search

Meeting:  1st Monday, 7 pm, St. James Lutheran Church, 8945 Stebbin, Montague, MI  49445